Insight, consciousness & psychology
Being a part of...
Economy, power, money, property
Consciousness, belief & infinity
Universe, reality, coherence.
Structure, models, (cut) limitations
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Note! This website is a collection of ideas and perspectives. Although i try to collect and unravel fragements of "truth", definitive truth is hard to capture.
It might (and will) contain personal biases, personal preferences and personal perspectives on subjects. Try to read with an open mind and in search of personal understanding.

Who knows what tree is?
Even a 2-year-old knows what a tree is. Right? Or is it actually pretty hard to know? Let's get to the root of this.
Who knows what tree is?
7 steps towards truth
Can we capture truth? Does absolute truth excist? Or are there many truths depending on your perspective and scale.
How to find truth!
The all-seeing eye
Or perhaps more commonly known as "the symbol" of the Illuminati (keep calm, don't drop out right away!), A down-to-earth interpretation.
Is the eye all-seeing?
Who am I?
"Who am I" is one of the great questions that every inquiring person will ask himself.
Who are you?
Who am i (not)
To find out who you are, it might be easier to peel off layers of "who you are not".
Who are you (not)?
You are modelling the world like a bat
The bat creates a sufficient model of its environment so that it can survive in it. We humans do exactly the same.
You don't see, you model!
Life+Death= Transform- ation
The unknown is both fascinating and terrifying, and so is death.
Logical conclusion
God? What do you mean?
To answer "Do you believe in God? ", you should first ask what God means.
Who is your God?
Ways to think
We all think al lot... but in which ways? Have you ever analysed your own thinking?
Which way to think?